I’m trying to add the root logger to vertex agent runs, but I can’t get it to work properly.
I am passing through:
run_config = VertexRun(
I can see the environment variable submitted on the vertex job. The full submitted vertex job config (redacted potentially sensitive info) is here:
"workerPoolSpecs": [
"machineSpec": {
"machineType": "e2-standard-4"
"replicaCount": "1",
"diskSpec": {
"bootDiskType": "pd-ssd",
"bootDiskSizeGb": 100
"containerSpec": {
"imageUri": "my-image",
"command": [
"env": [
"value": "INFO"
"value": "['']"
"value": "cloud"
"name": "PREFECT__CLOUD__API",
"value": "https://api.prefect.io"
"value": "REDACTED"
"value": "REDACTED"
"value": "['vertex']"
"value": "true"
"value": "REDACTED"
"value": "REDACTED"
"value": "false"
"value": "prefect.engine.cloud.CloudFlowRunner"
"value": "prefect.engine.cloud.CloudTaskRunner"
"value": "true"
"value": "REDACTED"
"serviceAccount": REDACTED
When I use the same env variable with local run, the logs show up correctly in prefect cloud. For example, this works correctly:
run_config = LocalRun(env={"PREFECT__LOGGING__EXTRA_LOGGERS": "['']"})
It just seems like there is something wrong with the vertex ai logging. Is there a bug? Or is there some configuration/settings that I have wrong?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!