Prefect 2.7.5/2.7.6, flow stuck at Pending forever

Hi Prefect Community,

I recently updated my prefect version to 2.7.5/2.7.6…Besides the lost of run state of my previous flow runs, I encountered a issue that’s fundamental to the usage:

The flow, if deloyed, cannot be executed by a local agent. It will stucked in Pending state forever. Here’s the output of the local agent:

Any idea how to deal with this issue?

Issue on mine seems somewaht related to Prefect Agent in local failed to finish the workflow with Prefect Orion in Kubernetes

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Here’s more info on debug mode:

Thanks a lot for the assistance from @madkins on Slack. This issue has been solved.

This issue is caused by deploying the flow from the whole K drive instead of the detailed working directory. After re-deploy from the exact working directory, the flow is able to move forward from Pending state.

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