Flow run received invalid parameters: value is not a valid list

I have a parameter in a deployment I want to run with an array of integers. But when I try to input anything in the Orion UI shown below, I get an error…

prefect.exceptions.ParameterTypeError: Flow run received invalid parameters:
 - capsule_ids: value is not a valid integer
 - capsule_ids: value is not a valid list

I have tried


And they all fail. It seems like prefect is treating my input as a string because when I inspect the parameters, they look like


So my question is, how do you enter a list into orion UI?

Seems to be related to this issue: Orion UI Nested blocks Array Field not interpreted correctly. · Issue #7950 · PrefectHQ/prefect · GitHub and Support nested pydantic models as flow parameters in UI · Issue #7816 · PrefectHQ/prefect · GitHub