Feedback on Orion v2.0b8

Hello everyone,

I’ve been using orion and loving it. It works very well with my ecosystem, so thank you :slight_smile: .

I currently have two suggests for new features and thought I’d share them here.

First, is a decorator for unittests. Rather than using a fixture for all tests or always needing to build up a prefect_test_harness context, you can instead decorate test functions that require access to a temporary prefect database. So this would update prefect’s testing docs and build features similar to those in packages like django-pytest. For example:

# EXAMPLE 1: a simple decorator to be used directly

from prefect.testing.utilities import prefect_db_test
from my_flows import my_favorite_flow

def test_my_favorite_flow():
    assert my_favorite_flow().result() == 42
# EXAMPLE 2: a marker decorator to be used as a pytest-plugin

import pytest
from my_flows import my_favorite_flow

def test_my_favorite_flow():
    assert my_favorite_flow().result() == 42

As a second suggestion, it would be nice to better plot axis control in the Orion UI. For example, in my flow runs, I would really like to zoom into a portion of the x-axis, but the best I can do is select the same day for start/end dates. You can see in the screenshot below that I still am not getting the most useful view. Are there any plans to make the plots interactive (e.g. like a plotly figure)?

Hopefully these suggestions help! Let me know what you think.


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Thank you so much for your feedback. I’ll forward it to the team