Migrate your Prefect 1.0 unit tests to Prefect 2.0 - all you need to know about testing your Prefect flows, subflows, and tasks

The post has been created by @serina - shoutout to her :clap: :100:


Prefect 2.0 makes it easier than ever to test your flows, tasks, and subflows!


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Testing your Prefect flows, subflows, and tasks helps you identify and remove any errors from your code. It is paramount to test prior to merging or deploying your code to a higher environment.

What has changed in 2.0

  • Testing is easier: subflows, for example, no longer require registry prior to testing.
  • The flow decorator (@flow) means your code looks identical to Python code, making
    it simpler than ever to create more robust test cases.

How to Convert from 1.0 to 2.0

Flows in 1.0

In Prefect 1.0, we needed to define our flow with a context manager. A flow required .run() to be callable.

"""Test a flow in Prefect 1.0"""
from prefect import Flow, task

def my_task():
    return 42

with Flow('my flow') as my_flow:
    first_task = my_task()

# test a flow
def test_my_flow():
    # check the state of the flow for success
    state = my_flow.run()
    assert state.is_successful()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Flows in 2.0

In Prefect 2.0, we replace the context manager with a flow decorator: @flow. Flows are directly callable so we don’t need .run().

We also have the option to use a context manager, prefect_test_harness, to run flows and tasks against a local SQLite database. If you want to use prefect_test_harness in multiple tests, you can use pytest.fixture and scope it to session to ensure efficient testing.

Learn more about pytest.fixture with prefect_test_harness.

Subflows in 1.0

In Prefect 1.0, in order to test a “flow of flows” locally, we would need to register the subflow and then use create_flow_run, specifying name, id and/or project. This makes testing more intricate.

Subflows in 2.0

In Prefect 2.0, testing a subflow is as easy as calling it.

"""Test a subflow in Prefect 2.0"""
from prefect import flow, task

def subflow_task(nbr):
    return nbr * 2

def subflow(nbr):

def outer_flow():

# test a subflow
def test_subflow(nbr):

# test a subflow task
def test_subflow_task():
    assert subflow_task.fn(25) == 50

if __name__ == "__main__":

We can even use .fn() on tasks to test individual tasks.

Tasks in 1.0

In Prefect 1.0, you would use .run() to call the task. Alternatively, you might have used TaskRunner to track the state and result.

"""Test a flow in Prefect 1.0"""
from prefect import Flow, task

def my_task():
    return 42

with Flow('my flow') as my_flow:
    first_task = my_task()

# test a flow
def test_my_flow():
    # check the state of the flow for success
    state = my_flow.run()
    assert state.is_successful()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Tasks in 2.0

In Prefect 2.0, a task is callable so you don’t need .run() or a flow to test a task.

"""Test individual tasks with Prefect 2.0. Can also use task.fn()"""
from prefect import flow, task
from pytest import raises

def my_task():
    return 42

def test_my_task():
    assert my_task.fn() == 42

def test_my_task_fails():
    with raises(AssertionError):
        assert my_task.fn() == 45

if __name__ == "__main__":

With the huge improvements in 2.0, it’s easier than ever to create rigorous testing while reaping the vast benefits Prefect offers. Happy engineering!


Flows 2.0 needs an example:

"""Test a flow in Prefect 2.0 """
from prefect import flow, task
from prefect.testing.utilities import prefect_test_harness

def my_task():
    return 42

def my_flow():
    return my_task()

def test_my_flow():
    assert my_flow() == 42

def test_my_flow_with_prefect_test_harness():
  with prefect_test_harness():
      # run the flow against a temporary database
      assert my_flow() == 42 

if __name__ == "__main__":

This looks great!

Some suggestions:

  1. I think we should also mention calling pytest in the command line somewhere.
  2. Also, we should add assert statements in all functions prefixed with test to make sure the tests run something:
"""Test a subflow in Prefect 2.0"""
from prefect import flow, task

import pytest

# under filename.py
def subflow_task(nbr):
    return nbr * 2

def subflow(nbr):
    return subflow_task(nbr)

def outer_flow():
    return subflow(25)

# under tests/test_filename.py

# using fixtures allow you to reuse
# across tests
def test_number():
    return 25

def test_outer_flow(test_number):
    assert outer_flow() == 50

def test_subflow(test_number):
    assert subflow(test_number) == 50

def test_subflow_task(test_number):
    assert subflow_task.fn(test_number) == 50

thanks for the awesome information.

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