How to use logging in Prefect - a tutorial by Andrew Brookins

At the moment, it seems that there’s a bug(?) with dask that only allows workers’ log configurations to be configured only through a ~/.config/dask/distributed.yaml file.

So you can populate that file like this:

  version: 1
    log-format: '%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
      format: "DASK ADMIN %(asctime)s __ %(levelname)-7s __ %(name)s __ %(message)s"
      datefmt: "%H:%M:%S"
      formatter: custom
      class: logging.StreamHandler
      level: INFO
      level: INFO
        - console

And this:

import dask
from prefect import flow, task, get_run_logger
from prefect_dask import DaskTaskRunner

def lazy_exponent(args):
    logger = get_run_logger()
    x, y = args
    result = x**y
    # the logging call to keep tabs on the computation
    logger.warning(f"Computed exponent {x}^{y} = {result}")
    return result

def test_flow():
    inputs = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
    results = []
    for i in inputs:
    return results


Should output:

17:18:53.170 | INFO    | prefect.engine - Created flow run 'encouraging-frog' for flow 'test-flow'
17:18:53.171 | INFO    | Flow run 'encouraging-frog' - Using task runner 'DaskTaskRunner'
17:18:53.173 | INFO    | prefect.task_runner.dask - Creating a new Dask cluster with `distributed.deploy.local.LocalCluster`
17:18:53.653 | WARNING | bokeh.server.util - Host wildcard '*' will allow connections originating from multiple (or possibly all) hostnames or IPs. Use non-wildcard values to restrict access explicitly
17:18:55.548 | INFO    | prefect.task_runner.dask - The Dask dashboard is available at
17:18:55.946 | INFO    | Flow run 'encouraging-frog' - Created task run 'lazy_exponent-fddbc240-0' for task 'lazy_exponent'
17:18:56.272 | INFO    | Flow run 'encouraging-frog' - Created task run 'lazy_exponent-fddbc240-1' for task 'lazy_exponent'
DASK ADMIN 17:18:58 __ WARNING __ prefect.task_runs __ Computed exponent 1^2 = 1
WARNING:prefect.task_runs:Computed exponent 1^2 = 1
DASK ADMIN 17:18:58 __ WARNING __ prefect.task_runs __ Computed exponent 3^4 = 81
WARNING:prefect.task_runs:Computed exponent 3^4 = 81
DASK ADMIN 17:18:58 __ INFO    __ prefect.task_runs __ Finished in state Completed()
INFO:prefect.task_runs:Finished in state Completed()
DASK ADMIN 17:18:58 __ INFO    __ prefect.task_runs __ Finished in state Completed()
INFO:prefect.task_runs:Finished in state Completed()
17:19:00.407 | INFO    | Flow run 'encouraging-frog' - Finished in state Completed('All states completed.')
[Completed(message=None, type=COMPLETED, result=1, task_run_id=897ebb3b-9c28-4ff5-9eff-10e1d61c2af9),
 Completed(message=None, type=COMPLETED, result=81, task_run_id=42ead4a3-d1e2-4c5c-b822-1e31cc35ad4a)]
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