How to run a Prefect 2 worker as a systemd service on Linux

This post demonstrates how to set up a systemd service to run a Prefect 2 worker. Systemd is a tool you can use do daemonize your Prefect 2 Worker.

A systemd service is an ideal way to run a Prefect worker on a Linux VM or physical server if you want to:

  • Automatically start a Prefect worker when Linux starts.
  • Automatically restart a Prefect worker if it crashes.


Here’s what you’ll need before proceeding:

  • A working Linux machine with systemd and Python 3.7 or later.
  • A superuser account, i.e. you can run sudo.
  • A Prefect Cloud account, or a local instance of Prefect Server running somewhere on your network.
  • A Prefect deployment with a work pool your worker can connect to.

Adding a user

First, create a user account for the Prefect worker. While you can run the worker as root, it’s best to avoid doing so unless you are sure you need to.

In a terminal, run:

sudo useradd -m prefect
sudo passwd prefect

When prompted, enter a password for the prefect account.

Next, log in to the prefect account by running:

sudo su prefect

Installing Prefect

Now, it’s time to install Prefect. Run:

pip install prefect

This assumes you are installing Prefect globally, not in a virtual environment. Running a systemd service from a venv will work, but when you set up the service below, you’ll need to change the ExecPath to target the prefect application in the bin subdirectory of your virtual environment.

Next, you must set up Prefect so it will know which server to connect to.

If you are connecting to a local Prefect server, run the following and substiture the IP address of your server:

prefect config set PREFECT_API_URL=http://your-prefect-server-IP:4200

If you are connecting to Prefect Cloud, follow the instructions to obtain an API key and then run:

prefect cloud login -k YOUR_API_KEY

When prompted, choose the Prefect workspace you’d like to log in to.

Finally, run the exit command to sign out of the prefect Linux account. This switches you back to your sudo-enabled account so you will be able to run the commands in the next section.

Setting up a systemd service for the Prefect worker

Now you’re ready to set up your Prefect worker systemd service. Run the following commands:

cd /etc/systemd/system
sudo vim prefect-worker.service

Feel free to use another editor like Nano or Emacs instead of Vim if you prefer. Add the following to the file:

Description=Prefect Worker

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/prefect worker start --pool YOUR_WORK_POOL_NAME


Make sure you substitute your own work pool name. When you’re done, save the file and exit. If you’re stuck in Vim, don’t worry! Just hit the escape key, type :wq!, then press the return key.

Next, run systemctl daemon-reload to make systemd aware of your new service.

Then, run systemctl enable prefect-worker to enable the service. This will ensure it runs when your system boots.

Finally, run systemctl start prefect-worker to start the service. And that’s it! You now have a systemd service that starts a Prefect worker when your system boots, and will restart the worker if it ever crashes.


Does this work if my code requires additional python packages inside a conda environment?

yes, you could replace:


ExecStart=/Users/you/opt/anaconda3/envs/your_env/bin/prefect agent start -q YOUR_WORK_QUEUE_NAME
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Should this same thing be done for the prefect server as well if you’re planning on running the prefect server on a linux server?

Yes! This should work just as well for Prefect server as it does for a Prefect agent.

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Hi @ryan_peden i followed your steps but the agent still doesn’t auto run on my scheduled flows. What could i be doing wrong here?

For some context, i am running prefect on my ubuntu container hosted on proxmox (not sure if this matters). When i run prefect agent start --pool default-agent-pool on the command line, my follows will work, and the pool will have a green (healthy) status.But after completing the steps above linked, i managed to get it running on my container but it doesn’t run the scheduled flows and the pool is showing up and unhealthy (red).


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hi @jameskoh - can you see logs when you start the worker process on your VM?

can you explain more on what you mean by

When i run prefect agent start --pool default-agent-pool on the command line, my follows will work

are your flows entering a Late state? that would explain your work queue entering an Unhealthy state.

It’d be hard to give a concrete recommendation here without more information - feel free to add details here about what you’ve tried

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Is it possible to do the same in windows?

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Yes. NSSM is a popular similar tool when running on Windows.

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Maybe I’m confused with terminology. I am running a Prefect Worker with a Docker infrastructure on a Linux VM and using Prefect Cloud. When I manually start my Work Pool my flows run perfectly. Eventually the worker stops polling the worker pool and all scheduled flows fail.

I tried daemonizing my VM via the recommended steps provided [HERE,](Daemonize Processes - Prefect Docs) but I get the following EXIT CODE:

If I’m running the Prefect Worker with a Docker infrastructure, should I be daemonizing the PrefectHQ/Prefect Image in Docker? Or am I missing steps in the link provided?

hi Justin
I had the same problem. Fixed this by placing a correct name in .service file

Hey @postman31, I agree with you.

I had faced the same issue and I also followed the same thing and got resolved my problem.