How to build a parametrized flow of flows using GCS storage and Docker agent?

This is a simple flow of flows where parent flow passes a parameter value to a child flow as data dependency.

import uuid
import subprocess
from prefect import task, Flow, Parameter
from prefect.tasks.prefect import create_flow_run

PROJECT_NAME = "community"

def log_input(param):

with Flow("child_flow_example") as child_flow:
    some_param = Parameter("some_data", default="foo")

def extract_some_data() -> str:
    return "bar"

with Flow("parent_flow_example") as parent_flow:
    some_data = extract_some_data()
    child_flow_run = create_flow_run(,
        parameters={"some_data": some_data},

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parent_flow_id = parent_flow.register(PROJECT_NAME)"prefect run --id {parent_flow_id} --execute --watch", shell=True)

Deploy to GCP with a local agent

If you want to orchestrate such flow of flows using GCS storage and local agent (spun up e.g. on a GCS VM), here is the code that you may use:

Deploy to GCP with a Docker agent

And if you want to orchestrate such flow of flows using GCS storage and Docker agent (spun up e.g. on a GCS VM), you may use this example: