How can I pass data between tasks using the imperative API? Do I need to set state dependencies separately?

Once you establish a dependency between tasks that pass data between each other, you no longer have to define upstream and downstream dependencies between those - Prefect will infer those through data dependencies.

There are two ways to define such dependencies:

  1. Initialize the tasks and then pass data dependencies within the Flow constructor
  2. Not using Flow constructor and pass data dependencies within keyword_tasks.

Example #1:

from prefect import Task, Flow

class GetData(Task):
    def run(self):
        return 1

class PlusOneTask(Task):
    def run(self, x):
        return x + 1

data = GetData()
plus_one = PlusOneTask()

with Flow("imperative_api_example") as flow:
    x = data()

Example #2:

from prefect import Task, Flow

class GetData(Task):
    def run(self):
        return 1

class PlusOneTask(Task):
    def run(self, x):
        return x + 1

data = GetData()
plus_one = PlusOneTask()

flow = Flow("imp")
flow.set_dependencies(task=plus_one, keyword_tasks=dict(item=data))