Code of Conduct

We have only a few rules we would like you to follow:

  • Be nice, always!
  • Be respectful; we assume positive intent from you, and we ask the same in return
  • Avoid posting sensitive information
  • Don’t tag other users - we always respond even if it takes some time. If you need SLA-based support, reach out to our Professional Services - How to get in touch with Prefect Professional Services
  • Don’t post the same question twice (via multiple channels) - it may be tempting to ask the same question on Slack, Discourse, via a GitHub issue, and perhaps also on StackOverflow to maximize your chances of getting support. Please, don’t do that! We track all those channels and get back to you when we are available. There is no need to post multiple times. It’s better to focus on describing your problem well and providing us with all information you have that might help solve your issue or determine the root cause of the problem.
  • Don’t advertise material unrelated to Prefect
  • Explicit is better than implicit: be as precise as you can.
  • It’s OK to disagree, but disagree politely and constructively.
  • Before creating a new topic, search if someone posted a similar issue before to avoid duplication.
  • Each topic should be well-scoped (focused on one thing) and Prefect-specific.

:point_right: Note that: everything you post in the Prefect Community, here on Discourse, as well as on GitHub and Prefect Slack, is publicly available to anyone on the Internet. For instance, we archive Slack conversations to Linen, which makes all conversations Google-searchable and visible to the public.

Be mindful of what you post online :warning: Don’t share any information that you wouldn’t be comfortable with sharing on e.g., Stack Overflow. You should treat any Prefect Community channel the same way as Stack Overflow - a public forum to ask questions rather than a private discussion. If you need private 1:1 guidance, reach out to our paid support channel:

When creating a new topic

  • In the topic title, try to specify the problem rather than the feature or solution you tried. Focusing on a problem allows discussing many ways to solve it rather than focusing on a single approach you may have tried so far.
  • Assign your topic to the right category. You can optionally assign tags.
  • Avoid mixing multiple issues into a single topic. When necessary, create multiple topics, but each topic should discuss ONE THING defined in the title.
  • Provide as much information as you can to help us identify the root cause of the issue:
    • Are you on the hosted Cloud platform, or do you use a self-hosted open-source Prefect product?
    • Which Prefect version did you use?
    • Can you run prefect diagnostics in your terminal and share the output in your topic? Adding this diagnostics information is extremely helpful for troubleshooting and allows others to reproduce your issue using the same environment.
    • Can you share logs or code snippets that can make it easier to solve your issue?
    • What infrastructure did you use: an on-premise deployment, a specific cloud provider (AWS, GCP, Azure), some remote cluster (Dask, Kubernetes), or just your local development machine?
    • As a topic creator, you will have a button that allows you to accept an answer. If some user responds to your question with a great answer, mark it as the accepted solution. Doing that helps others quickly navigate to the answer that helped you solve the problem.

When answering questions from other users

  • Always try to explain WHY something has to be done rather than only saying WHAT has to be done to solve a specific issue. This helps gain a deeper understanding and provides significantly more benefit to the requester than just the solution itself.
  • If you see a bug, submit a Github issue in the respective repository rather than a Discourse topic.
  • If you need dedicated support, we’d be happy to discuss your issues together and help! Please send us an email at to get started.

To learn more about how to use Discourse in general, check out the Discourse New User Guide.

Extra Resources: Prefect Code of Conduct

Forum Organization

Categories constitute the primary source of the forum’s organization. Note that you need to choose ONE category when creating a topic. For more fine-grained categorization, use tags. Here are the categories:

  1. Announcements - a general-purpose category for announcing live streams, conferences, new releases, and blog posts to keep you up-to-date. We encourage you to introduce yourself within the pinned topic.
  2. Getting Started - the pinned topic includes links to various resources that can help you get started and learn about Prefect.
  3. Workflow Orchestration - a place for questions about orchestrating tasks and flows, dependency management, scheduling, event-driven workflows, and reacting to various states of task runs and flow runs (orchestration rules, triggers, state handlers, retries, restarts, flow versioning, flow configuration, orchestrating backfills, and many more).
  4. Deployments & DevOps - a place for questions about deploying your flows to production:
    1. how to deploy infrastructure for your flow runs,
    2. how to debug infrastructure issues,
    3. how to build a CI/CD pipeline,
    4. how to package custom dependencies into a docker image,
    5. how to assign service accounts and IAM roles to grant permissions to various services,
    6. how to deploy open-source Prefect products into your infrastructure,
    7. how to manage environments (development, staging, production, etc.)
  5. Integrations - the pinned topic provides instructions on how to use and how to contribute to the task library. It’s a collection of knowledge about various tools that you can integrate with Prefect.
  6. Distributed Computing - sharing best practices about using Prefect with Dask, Spark, and how to efficiently process data in a distributed fashion.
  7. Tutorials & Resources - a place for sharing blog posts, walkthroughs, or simply sharing how to solve a specific problem. Since “Resources” is a broad category, it also provides answers to common questions about the core Prefect products, pricing, and features.
  8. FAQ - a place for frequently asked questions not strictly falling into any above-mentioned category. This may be a common error such as ModuleNotFoundError (occurring when someone uses modules not installed in the execution environment).
  9. UI - all issues related to the UI.
  10. Random - allowing you to share anything:
    1. You can use it to tell us about your experience with Prefect,
    2. Share your feedback,
    3. Suggest feature requests,
    4. Or tell us some dad jokes.

Apart from the above-mentioned categories, you can assign tags to your topics for more fine-grained categorization.

Other ways to reach us and get help

  • - our website is a great source to stay up-to-date. You can use it to see our job postings, see the growing team of Prefectionists and check the latest community updates.
  • - our Slack community. While Discourse serves as our primary knowledge base and a place to get in-depth technical support, Slack is a more casual medium allowing you to ask ad-hoc questions and connect with the community.
  • GitHub - it’s the right place to submit bug reports and feature requests.
  • Twitter - stay up to date about the latest events.
  • - if you need dedicated support, or want to do a PoC to see how Prefect fits into your architecture, send us an email.
  • - if you have any question that you wouldn’t want to discuss in a public forum (e.g. related to billing or your personal data).
  • Newsletter - sign up and get the latest updates directly to your mailbox.