How to create deployments from YAML?

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Alexander_Butler @Alexander_Butler: I am working on standing up Prefect 2.0 is a production environment. For internal data pipeline and reverse etl uses so no fire hazards on my end to use 2.0 early here.
Is there a general preference on YAML vs Code for the deployment specification. I noticed you can configure a flow deployment with YAML but I cant find any information on the schema of that document. For example:

- name: elt-salesforce
  flow_location: ./
  flow_name: elt-salesforce
    - salesforce
    - core
    destination: "gcp"
    interval: 3600

Assuming interval is seconds? Can I specify another grain? Can schedule take a dict? If it takes cron, does that take a dict?

Honestly schedule is the primary question point. Everything else is straightforward enough.

Kevin_Kho @Kevin_Kho: Hi @Alexander_Butler, I’d need to check with the team tomorrow about this and get back to you.

@Anna_Geller: Good choice starting with 2.0 directly! :clap:

I’m more biased towards definition in Python, but YAML is also supported. Python definition is friendlier and cleaner.

Here is one example of using YAML:

- name: crypto_prices_etl_dev
  flow_location: /Users/anna/repos/gitops-orion-flows/flows/
  flow_name: crypto_prices_etl
    - dev
    interval: 3600
- name: repo_trending_check_prefect_dev
  flow_location: ./flows/ 
  flow_name: repo_trending_check
    - dev
    repo: "prefect"
    interval: 3600
- name: repo_trending_check_orion_dev
  flow_location: /Users/anna/repos/gitops-orion-flows/flows/
  flow_name: repo_trending_check
    - dev
    repo: "prefect"
    interval: 60

I believe the same definition via Python DeploymentSpec is much cleaner and easier to understand/change, but YAML is also fine :slightly_smiling_face:

Alexander_Butler @Alexander_Butler: I like Python too. I think the ambiguous bit is whether schedule supports cron or different kwargs for interval?
or a different time grain
in yaml

Michael_Adkins @Michael_Adkins: The YAML is loaded using Pydantic models which infers the type based on the keys
So if you did cron: string-here instead of interval: integer it’d be loaded as a cron schedule
From the Pydantic documentation, you can provide more rich strings for intervals other than seconds

    timedelta fields can be:
        timedelta, existing timedelta object
        int or float, assumed as seconds

        str, following formats work:
            [-][DD ][HH:MM]SS[.ffffff]
            [±]P[DD]DT[HH]H[MM]M[SS]S (ISO 8601 format for timedelta)


Field Types - pydantic

cc @terrence this is a good nugget :slightly_smiling_face:

terrence @terrence: Good note