How can I stop the task run based on a custom logic?

Prefect 2.0

In Orion, you can raise a custom exception directly in the flow, which will result in a Failed task run:

from prefect import task

def signal_task(message):
    if message == 'stop_immediately!':
        raise RuntimeError(message='Got a signal to end the task run!')

Alternatively, your flow may return a specific state:

from prefect import task
from prefect.orion.schemas.states import Failed

def signal_task(message):
    if message == 'stop_immediately!':
        return Failed(message='Stopping the task run immediately!')
Full flow example
from prefect import task, flow
import random

def random_number():
    nr = random.random()
    if nr > 0.5:
        raise ValueError("Big number!")
    print("Continue the execution...")

def main_flow():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Prefect 1.0

Prefect 1.0 uses signals to raise specific task run states. Signals are ways of telling the Prefect engine that a task should be moved immediately into a specific state or that the task should immediately end:

from prefect.engine.signals import FAIL, ENDRUN, SUCCESS, SKIP, PAUSE, RETRY
from prefect import task

def signal_task(message):
    if message == 'stop_immediately!':
        raise ENDRUN(message='Got a signal to end the task run!')

You can also end the task run in a given state (e.g. Failed as in the example below) with no subsequent retries. If you raise a FAILED signal instead of ENDRUN, this will respect retries.

If this task has some downstream dependencies and you leverage the default all_successful trigger, then this will end your flow run as well since the TriggerFailed state will by default propagate to your downstream tasks.

from prefect import task
from prefect.engine.signals import ENDRUN
from prefect.engine.state import Failed

def check_if_condition_met():
    if "some state of the world":
        raise ENDRUN(Failed(message="Data is already in the database"))

You can find more about signals on the Signals page: