Any Language: Julia API

The Prefect home page “Coming Soon” section has a blurb about work be done to release APIs in other languages:

R? Julia? Use the language you love, not just Python. Now more team members can contribute and cover more use cases.

I am intensely excited about writing flow code in Julia. Does anyone know the approximate timeline, and how much of the API will be ported over?

I’ve been considering using the Julia package PyCall to bring Prefect into scope, but its awkward.


Would love to just know which issue to give +1, this would be an amazing quality of development improvement to stay in one language through my pipelines.

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Edit 2023-07-14:
I’ve been testing PythonCall/Juliacall to call julia processes from prefect flows. The difficulty is in deployment, because the python Juliacall package installs the python dependencies (for the julia process) via Conda and the deployment environment gets confusing in a local process in another working directory.

I expect deploying the julia process in a docker container will solve this.